Learn to transform cast off wood into beautiful, practical household items that everyone will love.

Become a Woodcrafting Wizard is an online course designed for beginning and experienced craftspeople looking for a peaceful, satisfying pastime that doesn't break the bank.  

Enroll now for 20% off!

Most people don’t make their own items anymore and don’t even know how!

Old-school skills like woodworking are rarely taught and when they are there is often loud, complicated and definitely expensive machinery, large spaces to house them and sometimes even computer driven tech that does all the work for you.

Access to qualified  instruction can be hard to find. 

I prefer the feeling of the tools in my hands while sitting in the sunshine listening to the birds over screaming machinery. 

This gives me a deeper connection to the life of the materials.

I have always been surrounded by traditional craftspeople who made their own, clothes, food, tools, cabins, barns, gardens and even houses, using local materials when possible.

One of my favorite materials has always been wood. Trees are amazing!

And while I learned to use power tools like table saws and belt sanders, my favorite are a hatchet, knife and chisel.

With a handful of tools like those I can make anything from a spoon to chair. For 20 years I have been teaching these skills through my work as a wilderness skills instructor.

And I can teach you too.



Become a Woodcrafting Wizard is an online course for craftspeople looking for a more traditional, simpler way to work with wood. It will teach you the skills to make many of the items we need from the land around us.

With Become a Woodcrafting Wizard you get to:

  • Experience the joy of using elegant hand tools.
  • Become known for your beautiful handmade gifts.
  • Work with gorgeous materials.
  • Be more connected to our common ancestral history of making the objects we need.
  • Have fun and make magic with your own hands!

This Course Includes

Understanding trees and wood from a crafters perspective

This can mean the difference between success and failure with a project.

How to source materials

I'll give you my hard won tips on how to find a world of free materials all around you.

Mastering hand tools

The key to using tools safely and effectively.

The 8 foundational projects:

  1. Hand carved coat hook
  2. Hand carved spatula
  3. Hand carved cooking spoon
  4. Cutting board 
  5. Hand carved wooden bowl
  6. Shrink pot 
  7. Three-legged stool
  8. Wooden tool box

After learning the skills in these projects the sky is the limit on what you can make.

Drying your projects and materials 

Protect your awesome projects from the consequences of improper drying.


Safe and natural finishes to make you projects last decades. 


Make it extra amazing with paint, incised lines, and relief carving.

But that's not all!

Become a Woodcrafting Wizard also comes with these BONUSES to make everything easier and better. 

Bonus #1: How to Make a Better Carving Work Surface

Better than just a stump, this simple carving bench will hold your work steady whatever the shape.   

Bonus #2: Easy Guide to Sharpening

A tricky subject that many people spend hours and hundreds of dollars to learn.  I will show you how simple it actually is. 

Bonus #3: Modify a Mora Hook Knife

A cheaper alternative to fancy spoon knives (a useful thing to have). I will show you how to make it perform like the more expensive version.  

Bonus #4:  How to Make a Wooden Mallet

A necessary tool for this work. No need to buy one when you can make it in about 30 minutes. 

Bonus #5: How To Refurbish Yard Sale Tools 

Fixing up tools can make the older, better ones available to you. Some of my best tools are 100 years old and needed a little refurbishment. 

Why Buy This Course Right Now?

To start with, if you sign up in the next 5 days you will get 20% off the regular price of the course!

You could go on amazon and order all the cooking spoons, wooden bowls and whatever else you might make in the course. It would be quick and easy. In 15 minutes you could fill your house with stuff without getting off the couch. And you will probably forget all about the experience an hour later.


You could do something so much better for yourself and inspiring for those around you.

You could buy this course, take your phone or tablet outside and really participate in the world in what can be a profound way. My course will guide you to a new relationship with the objects you use everyday. A two dollar spatula from the store does not compare to one you made yourself. Your children won’t hand down the plastic one from Target to their children with a smile and a story about seeing you make it from that big fallen branch in the neighbor’s yard.

They very well might if you take this course and go out and make something from the land. My family and friends cherish the things I make for them and I feel proud every time I eat with the wooden spoon I carved from a big birch tree that grew in my parents back yard my whole life till if finally succumbed to ants and fell, revealing the most amazing pattern of grain.


Become a Woodcrafting Wizard

20% off for the next 5 days only!

Everything Above for just $197

Regularly $247!

Register Now!

My Guarantee:

I know you will get so much out of this course, that I offer all your money back if you are unhappy. If for any reason you are unsatisfied just email me within 30 days and I will give you a 100% refund. 

In case I missed anything, here's some commonly asked questions...


Become a Woodcrafting Wizard!


Become a Woodcrafting Wizard Course

20% off regular price for the next 5 days!

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